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Wang Yi met with Governor of Irkutsk of Russia Nikolai Kobtsev

      On June 12, local time, Member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Russian Governor of Irkutsk Mikhail Kobuzev in Irkutsk。

Wang Yi met with Governor of Irkutsk of Russia Nikolai Kobtsev.jpg

(Photo source NetEase video)

      Wang Yi congratulated Russia on its National Day and wished Russia and Illinois to achieve their goals of development and revitalization。Wang Yi said that Iraq has a long history of exchanges with China. Irkutsk, its capital, used to be an important hub city for the 10,000 Miles Tea Ceremony, and Lake Baikal is widely known in China。不久前,普京总统成功对华进行国事访问,习近平主席同普京总统进行了深入战略沟通,为中俄关系发展指明了方向。China is actively promoting Chinese-style modernization, and Russia is speeding up the development of the Far East. The cooperation between the two countries faces historic opportunities。Sub-national cooperation is an important part of China-Russia relations。Illinois, with its rich natural resources and solid industrial foundation, enjoys unique advantages in developing cooperation with China。China supports closer mutually beneficial cooperation between local provinces and cities of the two countries, including Illinois, for the benefit of the two peoples。

      Kobuzev said that it is a great honor to welcome Foreign Minister Wang Yi on the National Day of Russia。China is Illinois' largest trading partner, accounting for 70 percent of Illinois' foreign trade and maintaining a strong growth momentum。Illinois attaches great importance to cooperation with China, hopes to further expand exchanges and cooperation in agriculture, energy resources, culture, education, tourism and other fields, attract more Chinese investment, and is willing to provide a better business environment for Chinese enterprises。

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